Sunday, August 14, 2011

Respect the Mantis

Today’s new was one of the more peculiar ones…I had not one, but two mantis encounters. The praying kind that is.
My first encounter was when I was at Sheetz with my chum of a friend, Alyssa. We were just sitting there talking when this lady comes out of nowhere and asked if we have ever seen a praying mantis before. Um..yeah you crazy lady I've seen a praying mantis before. That’s what I thought in my head, but Alyssa got all excited and said “No! I haven’t!” So the lady made us follow her to her car to show us the mantis that has supposedly been “following them for ten miles!” Her and her friend were really excited to show us, but the younger couple that were with them looked a little embarrassed. It was really funny.
“Oh wow! That’s really cool!” says I, not really thinking it was cool at all. It was a pretty big mantis though. On the other hand, it made Alyssa really happy, so that’s what made it all really worth it.
My second encounter was at the movie theatre. My bro Justin and I had just seen Pirates 4, which was pretty good by the way, and we were walking out to my car and Justin spotted the thing on my car. He told me to get it off, and I said “No! You get it off!”
 He tried to get it to crawl on him but it wouldn’t, so then I tried and it went right on my hand. Then I freaked out a little. I just do not like bugs. He really wanted me to put it on his shoulder and take it home! Well, I’ll put it on your shoulder but you are definitely not getting in my car with that! I would have an accident. But I put it on his shoulder and it was so funny! It just sat there and then it would sway back and forth a little and it would try and scratch his head. Then I really wanted to take a picture of it and of course my phone froze up. So I had to take the battery out and it took forever to start up again. I took a couple of good pictures, but he did not like me taking his picture! He kept swiping at me! Then I got him on me and got Justin to take a quick pic. Then he ran down my arm and flew away! It was quite the experience.  

Mantis conclusion, they’re an “endangered species!” Please. They’ve been “endangered” for like 200 years. Bottom line is to respect the mantis and he will respect you.

Leviticus 11:20
"All winged insects that go on all fours are detestable to you.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny when I was a teen-ager Nana and I were driving and there was a huge bug in the car. I knew if the bug jumped on me I would have an accident. So we stopped the car and some man stopped behind us and asked if he could help. He thought we were having engine trouble. I said umm no, there is a bug in the car. He very nicely got the bug out and left. Nana and I laughed and laughed! So the fear of bugs comes from Nana! xoxo
