Wednesday, August 10, 2011

To Crochet

Today’s “new” was definitely something I've wanted to learn for a while now!
Whenever I'm on Etsy(that huge craft website) I always see people doing awesome this with crocheting, and I don’t know how to crochet! It really bothers me because I know how to knit, but it takes me forever and I get sick of it really quick. I have this scarf that I started knitting, oh about six years ago. I still have it and it’s still not finished. One day I will finish it though! But just not today.
Oh no, today I tried something new! I learned how to crochet! My mom goes to this knitting and crocheting class every Wednesday night and makes bears for kids in another country/poor kids, I don’t remember which one. But anyways, I have been wanted to go with her to learn how to crochet so I can do cool things just like the Etsy people! And also help out the poor kids of course…
So I meet my mom at the church and we walk to the classroom where we do this thing. For some reason I was picturing us all sitting around in a circle in rocking chairs just chatting and knitting away. Well, that wasn’t totally accurate. We were in a little kids room and everyone was at tables with their own little projects going on. I was the youngest one, but that didn’t bother me too much:)
My mom brought what she was working on, a little green teddy bear. She was working on that thing so hard! She was doing a good job too, it looked perfect. I got to pick out my own yarn and they gave me a needle too! For free! Oh, I am liking this already! I got a pretty purple color and she gave me a purple needle to match! How sweet. The lady who was teaching was Donna, and she was an expert! She crochets so fast, it was literally blowing my mind! She showed me the basic stitch which was called “chaining.” She showed me a couple times and I was kinda getting the hang of it. I was just making the stitches too tight, but it was hard not to! I didn’t want it to come undone or anything. Well, after I practiced for a while, she came and undid it all anyways. Thanks. Then she told me I could go ahead and make myself a scarf. Oh great, another thing I need. A half finished scarf I crocheted. But I did it anyways.
She showed me how to do the “double stitch” or something, I don’t know, it was supposed to be faster. And after I got that hang of that, it actually was! My mom was so proud of me for getting it down! It took her a little longer, but I think that’s just because I already knew how to knit so it was easier for me to pick up crocheting. But I haven’t gotten to the point where I can really talk and crochet yet.
After the class was over, we went to Narns and Boble to talk and crochet a bit more. My mom even felt the need to share my crocheting success with a complete stranger. Thanks Mommy:)
Conclusion. Now that I have accomplished crocheting, I definitely think it’s time to take over the world, I mean, what else could there be to learn?

This is what I want to eventually learn how to do!

Psalm 139:13
For you formed my inward parts;you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny I was sooo proud of you! Everyone who is reading this Jenny did sooo good! She did the best! I was so proud of her. Everyone was amazed! She is gifted:) love you Jenny! See ya next Wednesday night in class! xoxo
