Thursday, November 17, 2011


I’m BACK! Loud and proud! I am getting back in this thing. I thought about letting this go, but it has lead me do so many awesome things, I never would have done otherwise. The last time you heard from me was about two and a half months ago. I honestly don’t know why I gradually stopped writing, I guess I was just getting overwhelmed with school starting and my work schedule  changing, but I promise I am back!
Since last you have heard from me, I have done a lot of “news”! Talking about every single one of them would take forever and you would definitely get bored reading them all, so I’m going to talk about my favorites!
My first great and most wonderful “new” was my addition to my house! I have a new roommate! Her name is Briea, and she is so spectacularly awesome and beautiful.
We work together now, but I’ve known her for a while. We actually went to high school together and acted in plays, and we also worked at the baseball stadium together. She just kept popping in and out of my life, and we were always friends, but we were never all that close, if you know what I mean. Well, when she started working at the salon, we just picked up right where we left off and became close almost instantly.
I had been trying to convince her for a while it was a good idea to move in with me, and she really wanted to, but it was just the fact that we wouldn’t be in there for much longer because my dad is STILL going to tear it down at some point. He needs to “expand the business” and the house is “in the way”, well whatever Dad! Do what you want…I’m not bitter!
Anyways, she finally texted me one day and say she would move in with me! I was so excited! We are going to create some great memories! We moved her in that weekend; her and her stuff and her little dog. We became one big happy family right away!
I feel so blessed to have her living with me! I was all prepared to live by myself and thought I would be okay, but God knew better and just put her back in my life and I am so thankful!

(We weirdly match a lot of the time)

Riding Through McDonalds

My next “new” that I did, was something I always wanted to do since before I even had a motorcycle to do it with. I have always wanted to go through a fast food drive-thru on a motorcycle. You know, just to see what would happen! Would they serve me, would they not? Could I be smooth with it, would I drop something? How would people react? So many questions left unanswered!
Well, ever since I got my bike I had been toying with the idea. I would come really close to it many a time, but then I would just chicken out at the last second. Well not tonight!
I was riding my bike home and on the way I pass a McDonalds, and I do it. I pull in on a last minute decision. There weren’t a lot of people there which I was happy about. I pull up to the speaker anticipating what will happen. A guy’s voice comes through the speaker and asks me what I would like to have.
“I would like a fruit n’ yogurt parfait please!” says/yells I through my helmet and noise of my bike.
When I pull around to the first window to give my money, that guy looks at me and all he says is “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh”, over and over again. It was pretty funny. He was just shaking his head and lookin around like, “Am I the only one who’s seeing this right now?” Yeah, he pretty much was. When I went up to the next window to actually get my little parfait, it didn’t even look like it fazed that girl I was on a bike, she just had this bored expression on her face, it said, “Yeah you’re on a bike going through the drive-thru, so what?” That was even more funny to me. She asked me if I needed a bag, but I just put it in my book bag, I was fine, and off I went!
That was really fun! I have GOT to try that again some time! Now that I know I can handle it and get awesome reactions, I can’t wait to do it again. What a great “new.”

Shooting Range

This “new” was pretty awesome, I must say. It was a Sunday and my Dad and my brother were going to a shooting range with their little hand gun they had. Well I wanted to go! Let me shoot the gun too! Since they both like me okay, they let me come with them!
It was an indoor range, which I thought was pretty cool. We had to read a bunch of stuff and then sign something. Then we got to pick which target we wanted. He said that had just about everything, the first thing he said was zombie. ZOMBIES! Yeah! Let’s get that one!
We also have to get safety glasses and headphones so our eyes and ears don’t explode.
Okay, so Justin went first and he had three rounds. He missed every single one! HA! My dad was next and he missed them all too! I was going to have to bring it! I stepped up, slowly picked up the gun and aimed it. I pulled the trigger slowly until it shot three times. I hit it every time! It didn’t hit at any place in particular, but I still hit it! Girl power!
The rest of the time we were there, we all did pretty well. It was a lot of fun and a great new! My Dad took the zombie target and put it in his office at work. I think it’s pretty safe to say, if zombies do attack us one day, the House family will be ready!

Umbrella skirt

I was really excited to try out this new! I had seen it online somewhere and have wanted to try it ever since! It’s making a skirt out of an umbrella! Cool idea huh? You could make some pretty fun skirts with some old broken umbrellas; if that’s not innovation I don’t know what is.
I already had this black umbrella that was semi-broken (meaning I could still use it, but my urge to make a skirt was greater than my urge to save the life of the umbrella). I started by taking the cloth material off of the skeleton, and where it was attached at the point of the umbrella, I cut a circle around to completely remove it. So now what I have is the circle material with a hole in the middle where I will essential put my waist.
Next, I laid the material flat on the ground. I roughly measured my waist, so I could figure how much more I needed to cut the umbrella. I basically cut a semi circle; to make the hole I already made just a tad bigger. If I haven’t already said, I did this all very quickly and roughly. If I had spent more time on it I could have made it a lot better. Any who, after I cut the hole at where I thought was a pretty good size, I cut a little slit down the side and sewed a button on one side and a loop on the other. After I was done I was able to slip it on and button it up!
The skirt came just to my knees and I wore a little lacey white shirt; a gray vest and I added gulches to complete the outfit. Well, I’d be darned if I didn’t look like the cutest thing that walked down the street in the rain! I was so impressed with how well it actually turned out with how little time I actually spent on it! Now I just needed to put it to the test; meaning I had to wear it out to see how it felt and how people reacted to it.

I had to go to my class soon, so I decided to test it out there. It was pretty comfortable to walk in, I maybe should have worn a little pair of tights with it though, because one good gust of wind and say Hello hinny! But boy was I getting some looks! My favorite part of the skirt was that it still had the little wooden toggles at the points of the umbrella; that and the little Velcro piece was still on too. These were the only things that made you really stop and look at it, or else it just looked like any other skirt because it was just black.
When I got to class, I sit next to this girl and she noticed right away. “Are you wearing an umbrella?”
“Why yes I am! Isn’t it so cool?” I don’t want to give her the chance to burst my bubble and tell me no, it actually pretty lame.
“Yeah it is! Where in the world did you get something like that?” says she.
“I made it! It was so easy.” Says I.
Well she turned to the girl next to her and made her look and then the people behind me started talking about it too! I got my fifteen minutes of fame, that’s for sure.
Another reaction I got was when I walked out of my class and these other girls at a table said they liked my skirt, and I said “Thanks! Its an umbrella!”
“No way! That’s so cool, I didn’t even realize! You shouldn’t tell people that because it doesn’t look like it.” Then the other girl said, “Yeah she should, because that is cool!”
It was tested successful with the young hip crowd! Yeah me! I am so going to start a fad! The only thing I didn’t like about it was that it made me really hot! That material does not breath at all. The next time I make one; I will probably make a little elastic band for it so it’s more comfortable.
This was a great “new”! I took innovation to the next step! And I got to add to my wardrobe for free! But that’s not the end of this umbrella. “What about the rest of the umbrella? What about the skeleton?” you ask. Have no fear! I did not let it die, I did do some with that umbrella skeleton! Which leads me to my next “new”…

Umbrella lamp

When I took the material off of the umbrella, the skeleton was really neat looking! I couldn’t just throw it away; I needed to do something really cool with it! Something new!
I did a little research to get some ideas with what to do. I came across this chandelier thing that someone had made out of an umbrella skeleton. So I decided to tweak it a little bit and make a lamp!
I got a piece of wood and screwed the handle in so it sits upright. Now I have a skeleton umbrella sitting upright on my coffee table. I got a light bulb/wire plug fixture thing(sorry I really don’t know what they’re called), so now it has a light! Then I decided it needed some kind of shade. I went to Joanne’s fabrics and I got some chiffon material that I could find on sale, in different shades of blue. I wanted to give it a little bit of a rainy feel, since it is an umbrella and all. And then I also got a pack of blue beads and some string so I can string beads on the arms of the umbrella so it looks like rain is falling.
When I start to assemble it, I cut the material into strips and glue the ends of them together to make it one long strand of material. I start at the middle of the umbrella and I weave the material through the arms to the ends. And then I ran out of material! I was so disappointed! I thought I’d have the perfect amount. Didn’t happen. And now, sadly, I have still not found time, or the money, to go back to Joanne’s and get more material. I just have a half finished umbrella lamp. But one day I will finish! Mark my words!

Watermelon Throwin

I would never have done this new if it weren’t for my crazy roommate whom I love so dearly.
So I had bought this watermelon a while ago with the intent on eating the whole thing in one sitting, but instead it just got old in my fridge. I was going to just throw it away, but that didn’t happen. We live right next to an intersection and Briea so badly wanted to throw it in the middle of the intersection.
At first I was being the responsible one.
“No Briea, we can’t do that,” says I. I stood firm, but then she broke me.
“Why not?” said she.
“Well, okay then!” said I. What can I say? She’s quite the convincer:)
We live on a hill, so we would have to throw it down into the intersection. Shouldn’t be too difficult. Well, it turns out Briea has no upper body strength whatsoever, so all she got it to do was roll down the hill next to us. Oh my word. So I had to run down there real quick and pick it up and throw it in the middle of the road. It busted everywhere, it was really cool! (I feel like such a boy right now)
My adrenaline was racing! I ran back up the hill as fast as I could and hid with Briea to watch which would be the first car to run it over. It was a policeman. That’s right! I’m not making this up! A police car came speeding by and ran right over it! It was so funny, I could not believe that just happened. We then had a minor freak out, then once we finally convinced ourselves that we weren’t going to jail, we continued to watch the other cars run over the squashed melon. It was a good night.

P.S. Thank you for reading and giving me another chance to accomplish my "news" for the year!

Genesis 8:9
But the dove found no place to set her foot, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took her and brought her into the ark with him.


  1. So glad you are back. I was just telling my morning running crew about your blog and how JUST as I got sucked in, you left! So I'm glad you have returned! Great list of "news" too!

  2. Welcome back!!! I love it!!! Such great news!!! Hip-hop hurrays!! I love you Jenny and keep up the great funny writing!It always makes me laugh out loud!!!! xoxo

  3. Yay these were so fun to read Jenny!! I can't believe you wore an umbrella!! Wow and the lamp sounds interesting too;)! Where do you come up with these??? You are so creative!! love and miss you very much!!

  4. @Jane Good I'm so glad you like to read! I am definitely back! Thanks!

    @Kim The skirt idea i got when i was on and the lamp i just made up haha i'll post a pic soon! Love ya!
