Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lets go for a run

What is it about Sundays that make you so tired? No matter how much sleep you got the night before, after lunch all you can think about is a nice long nap. But I decided to resist the nap today and go to Starbucks instead.

I went over my lesson for the Pioneers Club class I teach on Sunday nights. I love my kids I teach, but you never know how they're going to act from week to week. The church also just moved into a new building and it is itty bitty! Plus they gave us the smallest classroom out of all of them, and I have quite a few kids! Whenever we play a game, we have to put the table and chairs away, and when we have snack we have to set it all back out, the we put it up again because we have another activity. It is endless. But the lesson went pretty well tonight.

“Let’s all thank God for our Ears so we can hear! Very good!  Did you know that there are people who can’t hear at all? Do you know what we call them? No, not DeaTH people, DeaF people. Very good! And Jesus healed the DeaF man in the Bible! Very good!”  It’s hard to pronounce an F loudly.

I decide on the way home what I should do for my New today, I'll go for a run along Wyndhurst! For those of you who don't know, Wyndhurst is a small part of Lynchburg that is like a little Pleasantville and everyone in the world loves to walk and run up and down that road, but I have never tried it. And with the summer coming up I could really use the exercise.

So I get all ready in my little running outfit and I get my sneakers on, but they really aren’t running shoes so I need to remember to snag a pair of my sister's old ones for the future. I park and where I think is a good spot to start and I get out and start to stretch. I should stretch more but I find it a little annoying because it takes a long time. My iPod is also dead and I don't know where the charger is so I listen to Pandora from my phone. The station it's on is Coldplay and it played some pretty good songs! When I start to run the songs just flow. I think I found my new favorite running song too, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2. It's a classic.

Well the run went by a lot faster than I had anticipated. Wyndhurst seemed a lot longer then what it really is, probably because the speed limit is so ridiculously slow. I only ran about two miles. When I usually get in my spurts of running, I go about 3 to 5 miles, but I must say it was a pretty good run. I can see now why people like it so much. But there were two spots on the road that it smelled really potent of smoke. It was really weird. There was a cigar shop (the one I went into the other day) and it was open, but I really wasn't anywhere near it. And when I actually passed to cigar shop I didn't smell anything. I don't know, it was just really very strange. But besides the cigar smoke, the run was very pleasant and refreshing. I felt a little weird on the drive home, but it's probably because I hadn't run in eons.

Then to reward myself for such a good run, I ate another amazing chicken salad sandwich and a big'ole piece of cake! It's pretty much the only reason I run, so I can eat these kinds of things:) What's the point of living if you don't indulge from time to time?

Exodus 23:27
“I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run.

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