Wednesday, July 20, 2011


One of my favorite news so far! Have you ever seen the movie Penelope? Well, it’s about this girl who has been cursed with a pig nose and her parents make her stay in the house her whole life because of it, and then they try and find a suitor for her, but they all get scared of her nose so she runs away from home, blah blah blah. It’s actually a really good movie! Well anyways, in her room she had this swing right in the middle. It was so neat! And ever since I’ve seen that movie, I have wanted a swing in my house.
Well, you guessed it! Since my dad is tearing the house down soon, I get to do whatever I want to it, so in goes the swing baby! I decided I wanted it in the doorway between the living room** and dining room. It was a perfect spot! So now I just need rope, a piece of wood, and something to hang it off of.
I slowly but surely gathered all the materials I needed. The hardest part was putting the holes in the wood where the ropes would go. For the first one I just used the drill and kept drilling the hole bigger and bigger. For the second hole I had Kyle (one of my Dad’s mechanics) drill a hole with a hole saw. That was way easier, but it was a really big hole, but of course I made it work.
Before I put it all up, I decided to paint the swing. I did it white with little daisies on it. Then on the bottom of the swing I put, “Swing me to the moon!”, because I really do wish I could swing to the moon.
After I measured everything perfectly, I started to drill in the doorway. I put two screws with eyes in the holes, which is what I tied the rope to, and then pulled the swing up to a nice height and tied it all up! It looked so good! And then came the moment of truth. I sat down and started to swing. It didn’t even creak! It is so perfect, I love my swing so much!

I think I will definitely put a swing in one of my kid’s rooms when I'm a mom:)

Job 28:4
He opens shafts in a valley away from where anyone lives;they are forgotten by travelers;they hang in the air, far away from mankind; they swing to and fro.

**sidenote- why is it called a “living” room, we live in every room don’t we? Is it because it’s the room we spend the most time in?

1 comment:

  1. I love your swing! I wish I had put one in our house when you girls were little! You are going to be such a fun mom!!! Love you to the moon and back! xo
