Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ketchup Cont.

Okay, okay I know this is the lamest thing I’ve done, and I know I am so far behind on writing all my news, but I just can’t do it all! I’m so tired and I don’t feel good. It would take FOREVER to write about all my “news” for the past week and a half. So…I just decided…that…I wouldn’t… Now listen, don’t get mad at me, I haven’t abandoned my project, I still did a new every day, I just don’t feel like writing so much about each one. So I decided to make a list of them all and if you really feel like you need an explanation of one I would be more than happy to tell you about itJ I want to thank you all for your love and understanding! And I will continue on my regular schedule after this!

Saturday- beautiful wedding
Sunday- new church
Monday- scooter drove Audrey around
Tuesday- big awesome truck
Wednesday- beach
Thursday- iPod beach walk/poop face
Friday- dirt biking
Saturday- chipotle/ weird sofa
Sunday-cousin Australia dinner/ wandering cow
Monday-car made me sick
Tuesday-tom sandwiches
Wednesday- too lazy to write

Leviticus 22:29
And when you sacrifice a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the LORD, you shall sacrifice it so that you may be accepted.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


One of the best “news” I have done so far!
Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places in the whole world. I love the environment and basically everything they have there. Books, music, movies and coffee! I can really get stuff done here if I really need to. Whenever I have a huge project or test I usually live there for a couple of days. But whenever I have nothing to do and I’m bored I love to come.
Well today I had nothing to do until work at Hillcats that night, so I decided to go. I really needed to catch up on my reading. I love the feeling I get as soon as I walk through those huge glass doors. The smell of the books mixed with the aroma of coffee and the soft music playing is enough to make me want to stay forever! I knew I did not want to go to work tonight, Barnes and Noble needed me to stay! So I got someone to cover my shift so I could stayJ I was so happy.
So for the next 7 hours I stayed happily in bliss at Barnes and Noble. Only once did I walk out of the store to get a little warmer. There are two downfalls of Barnes and Noble, it is always cold and there is only one outlet in the whole store that customers can use. I didn’t need the outlet, but I did need some warmth. But I’m pretty sure that seven hours is a record for me. I’ve stayed for long periods of times before, but I don’t think this long. It didn’t feel that long at all. I wanted to stay longer. The most dreaded words to hear at Barnes and Noble are “Attention Barnes and Noble customers, Barnes and Noble books, music and cafĂ© will be closing in approximately 30 minutes”, “15 minutes”, “5 minutes”, “We are closed”, and then of course someone has to come tell me to leave, and then after I cry for five minutes I leave. Well maybe that last part isn’t true, but I am sad when I have to go. But after I leave the bookstore, I usually feel a sense of accomplishment, like my day wasn’t wasted or anything.

Exodus 24:7
Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it in the hearing of the people. And they said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient."


Unfortunately I had to go back to work today, so no Narnes and Boble for me. So sad.
My “new” today happened at work at the baseball stadium. For some reason I had gotten there early and it’s a good thing I did too because there was a double header(that means two baseball games instead of just one because one got rained out) and no one knew it! Nobody told us there was a double header and when I had gotten there early I was already late. I was the first one there and there were already people up in the skyboxes. Two were filled when I got there and then another arrived shortly after.
Then when the other two servers finally arrived we split up the remaining of the boxes and I ended up with 5. I haven’t had that many this season yet. It’s a rare occasion when you do have that many, but it does happen. Needless to say my night was crazy, but pretty fast. I kept forgetting about one of my boxes because I wasn’t used to having that many, but it was okay, they didn’t get all that much.
I ended up with good tips at the end of the night and a great recipe for pound cake! I’d call that a great night! Although I’d rather not have this new happen again please. Thank you!
 Exodus 9:32
But the wheat and the emmer were not struck down, for they are late in coming up.


Sometimes when I’m driving home and I’m really hungry, it’s so hard for me to drive by a McDonalds and not stop to get anything. It is just so cheap and good! Why not stop?
Anyways that was my logic when I stopped by on my way home this night. Well apparently I live next to the slowest mcdonalds in the whole entire world. I have never in my life waited so long at a drive through in my life. I have no idea what was going on in there, but this was ridiculous. And it was 10 thirty at night! What in the world? They should not be this slow. I was waiting in the DRIVE THROUGH for about 20 minutes. That is just plain silly. People were parking and going in and sitting down and eating and leaving before I got through. And I couldn’t just park and go in and out because I had Jack Jack with me and he would’ve caused a commotion if I left him in the car and he probably would’ve gotten stolen too. So we had to sit in the drive through while I had to calm Jack down because there was a black cat sitting and staring at him. I guess he thinks his barking will bring the cat closer or that he will just die if he doesn’t get the chance to go smell him out.
When we finally got through the line, I was about to ask the girl what the heck was going on but thought she had  been trying to explain for a while now, so I’d give her a break, and turns out they upgraded my drink and fries. Oh how nice! Not that I needed them too, but I think it resolved our issueJ
Psalm 69:3
I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dimwith waiting for my God. 


I just had the biggest printer fail of my whole life.
I went to my dad’s office to get some stuff done for more FASFA crap and I also had to print out some stuff for a lingerie party I was doing the next day.
I had this one scattegories game that I had to print 30 copies out of. Then I had looked up a couple other games I was going to do. But instead of creating a new document to put these games on, I just cut out the other game I had already printed and put these new ideas on it. Then I just hit print, but instead of it printing just one copy, it started printing 30 copies of three pages of game ideas. This was not good! It was printing out of this fancy shmancy printer with a screen and I kept hitting stop and trying to cancel it, but it wouldn’t let me! The only thing it would let me do is cancel each document one by one. That would take forever! I tried stopping it from the computer too, but I couldn’t figure it out. This was ridiculous, it would not stop!
It just kept spittin out pages of a goddess game and sexy names for name tags, I just kept trying to tear them up and throw them away so no one would see them. That would be awkward. Anyways I just ended up leaving it pending and never finishing printing, I don’t know what else to do. It was a weird situation. I just hope it doesn’t start printing out the rest of them when someone else goes to print something else out. Oh well:)
Joshua 21:45
Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.


STRESS! That’s all I need to say about this “new.”
My friend was getting married tomorrow and we were having her bachelorette party/lingerie party that night and I was in charge of games. Little did I know I would also be in charge of decorations and hosting as well.
I had to work all day and I still had to get a few more things for the games before the rehearsal. I thought I would call the other girls and make sure they had all their stuff together before tonight so that I could be at peace that everything was going to go smoothly. Well things got mixed up and I started worrying and going crazy because I just waited everything to go so smoothly for Megan!
Well it did turn out rather well! For the first time I had been a real hostess at a lingerie party, I did pretty good:) If I had known I was actually going to be the hostess, I would’ve been a little more prepared. I had fun games that we played and funny name tags we all had to wear like “Bootylicious” or “Sexy Bomb” or “Hot Lips”, and we had to call each other by those names and nothing else! I was Cuddle Bunny, it suited me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Jeepin' Around

I will attempt to again go through the past week of “news” and hopefully be able to keep up with my awesome “news” again! I have just been so busy with work and tiredness and my friend’s wedding stuff, so please forgive me and please don’t lose faith in me that I won’t complete my “new” journey, because if you start to lose faith, I will definitely lose my faith!
I believe I left off on Sunday. Well for my Sunday “new” I went jeepin around. Jeeps are just so fun in general. You can take the roof and doors off and just go wild! Now, I have driven in a jeep before, and I have also driven a jeep myself before, but I have never really went off roading on a jeep trail before! And so that was the plan, I was going with some old lifeguard friends and we were going to go to some muddy jeep trails and then go jump off a bridge. Into some water if you didn’t get that…
When they came and picked me up, they found out that the trails they were going to go on were closed for some jeep camp thing or whatever. But they said there was a trail near the bridge we could go, it wasn’t muddy or anything but it’d still be fun. SO when we get there, we start a goin down the trail and Andrew is driving and I am in the front seat and we were following his friend driving his own jeep(I forget his name) and he was going pretty slow. He was trying to be careful and not fall off the cliff but still, it was slow. But not totally unpleasant, it was still pretty fun. Then we stop at a fork in the road and got out to let Frank the hotdog dog walk around a bit, he was a pretty old dog. And he had this real nasty tumor thing hanging from his eye. It was like a permanent black tear. It was pretty gross.
They we started back up again and Andrew got in the front and started going a little faster, which was fun but at the same time I was a little nervous. We almost hit this huge rock in the middle of the road, but he maneuvered around it real quick and I felt like we were about to fall off, but we were fineJ Then we hit a dead end and turned around and when we got to that fork again, Andrew let me drive! I’m so good at driving. It was stick shift too which was even better! I was better than him haha well I thought so anyways, he got a little nervous, but I did real good and it was so fun on that trail. And when we were done, we went and jumped off the bridge! Whenever I go to the bridge, they’re always some real sketch people there, and this day was no exemption. There were a lot. But it was okay, we looked pretty sketch too so we fit inJ Then it started to down pour and we had to go put the top on the jeep really quick, and I mean the rain was coming in sideways and stinging my body and by the time we got to the jeep it had stopped. Great. So we hung out a little bit longer and then left. On the way home though we had to stop and get gas and we were also catching up to the storm so we had to put the roof on, but we still had no doors. When it started raining, it was craziness. I was so so cold! We turned the heat on full blast and when we hit big puddles I kept screaming so loud! It was probably more crazy on these main roads then it was on the trail.
But anyways, that was my Sunday new, and I’m real tired right now so I’ll be catching you up on more “news” tomorrow. Peace!
Numbers 22:23
And the donkey saw the angel of the LORD standing in the road, with a drawn sword in his hand. And the donkey turned aside out of the road and went into the field. And Balaam struck the donkey, to turn her into the road.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Trying Not the be a Lifeguard

My "new" for Saturday was a bittersweet experience.

For the past three summers, I had been lifeguarding at a public pool and this summer was the first time I wasn't going to be there, and this was sad for three reasons. Firstly, I actually like yelling at kids. Secondly, I would've most likely been in charge of the whole pool if I had gone back and been making a reasonable amount. And thirdly, I won't be as tan as I usually get during the summer.

Today I had actually gone and visited the pool for the first time this summer, and it was the first time I had been without being a lifeguard too! It was a little weird. I went with a couple other veteran lifeguards from the pool and we had fun, but it was just weird being there not lifeguarding. I didn't have my suit on, which was weird, and I wasn't yelling at the kids on the slide, which was weird, and I didn't have a headache being there, which was weird.

Lifeguarding was probably one of the best jobs I've had. It's equally as lazy as it is hard work. And I have learned a LOT throughout the years. For instance, I know how to clean throw up and blood off of the deck, I know how to break up fights, I know how to whistle, I know how to embarrass kids in front of their friends, and I know how to save lives!

I probably wouldn't know half of this stuff if I hadn't worked at the "ghetto" pool, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. It’s actually a really nice big pool, there are just some sketchy people and troublesome kids that come sometimes:) But that's what makes it fun! Well, maybe not "fun" but certainly not boring.

Anyways, it was so hard not to do any kind of guardly duty while I was there. It’s like its second nature, it’s in my blood. It's hard for me not to lifeguard when I'm at different pools too. I just want to keep people safe and tell them what to do!

I think I will be a lifeguard for the rest of my life.

Exodus 23:20
Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Workout Buddy

My new for Friday was certainly a bundle of sweat and laughs.

As you all know very well, I am currently doing the workout "Insanity", and it truly has been. And I have yet to have anyone try and attempt to do it with me. Until today:)

For the past three days I had been texting my best friend Audrey to come workout with me, but every time she shot me down. It was always a lame excuse too, "I have dance practice" or "I'm doing my calc homework," blah blah blah. Excuses are like butt cracks. Everyone’s got them and they always stink. (I'd like to take credit for that one, but I cannot:) Well maybe her excuses weren't totally absurd, but still.

Today she finally said yes! This will be so much fun! Especially because she really had no idea what she was getting into.

I just woke up from a nap when she got over and we started right away. The workout for today was Power Cardio and Resistance. The warm-up for this one was one of the harder ones. We were both sweating from the get go. Then we started really getting into it; now that was fun to watch. When Audrey couldn't do something anymore she would sort of half do it and swing her arms around. And then when she would try and do a pushup, she would get on her hands and knees and then try to do a girl pushup, but didn’t even really do that and then would just stay there on her hands and knees and watch me. She wasn’t trying her hardest, but when we both did, we started yelling and then laughing and then yelling again. It really does help to make noises when you work out!

So not only did we get good cardio, we also got a good ab workout in. I can always rely on Audrey to get a good ab workout in. But because she did my workout, I have to go do her dumb yoga workout with her. Stretching is not working out. It’s just so boring, I hate it. And I am not just saying that because I can’t do it.

1 Samuel 18:1
As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

P.S. In the picture, I'm the one in the gold and Audrey's the one on the floor.

Eating a Whole Watermelon

My Thursday “new” was a fail and will be attempting again soon.

So being the summer time, there are always fun new things that pop out just for the summer! Such as the coconut flavor at Starbucks and the cute bathing suits at Target and of course watermelon! One of my most favorite fruits! You know how everyone loves cotton candy because it’s like eating sweet air? Well, I love eating watermelon because it’s like eating sweet water! Well I have certainly had some good pieces of watermelon thus far this summer! I love it so much, I bet I could eat a whole one! Well now there’s an idea…

I really think I could eat a whole watermelon! That is what my new is going to be today! How hard can it be? It’s basically just drinking a whole bunch of water, approximately a gallon of water, if not less is in one watermelon. I did some research on this fact because one of my coworkers had the nerve to challenge me on this point saying there was more then a gallon. Here are my findings:

Approximately 92% of a watermelon is water

The average weight of a seedless watermelon is 10-14lb

The weight of one gallon of water is 8.5lb

The watermelon I picked up was about 9 to 10lb which would get me just about to one gallon of water. Now apparently there are those people that drink too much water at once and die, so I also had to be careful of that. But those people were drinking about 3 gallons, and my watermelon was not that big, so I think I’d be okay.

I got home from work about ten o’clock and popped in a Redbox and got crackin! I cut it in half and then fourths.

Baby wawa

This was my first bite.

Now I feel obligated to add that when I started eating this watermelon, I wasn't very hungry, so I was really pushing myself!

So I had reached the half way point. I will admit, I was hurtin a little bit. I tried to go to the bathroom to create some more space, but it's hard to rush nature.

In the end I was unable to complete my task. I know, I'm more dissappointed then you are trust me. What's more disappointing about being unable to complete this, was that I could have gone farther, I could have gotten it done! But, it was in fact my eyes that closed on me, not my mouth. I was so tired I couldn't eat anymore, I had to go to bed. My true weakness has shown.

But fear not! I am going to rest up, and attempt again very soon! Have faith, I can do anything through Christ who strenghthens me!

Numbers 11:5
We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic.
(What an awful combinations of foods!)

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I need to take my workouts to the next level.

On Wednesday I tried something totally new for my workout. My friend from work was telling me about how the guys she works with runs stairs when they get off. Meaning they go to the LU football stadium and run up and down the stairs, around and around. Good idea! I have wanted to try it before because I had seen in on Lost once(the TV show) and Jack lost his footing and hurt his ankle. But anyways, I wanted to do it.

When I got off of work, I felt prepared. I didn't want to do it right away though because the sun was up and it was ridiculously hot outside. So I went on a couple of errands and waited for the sun to start going down, then headed over.

Oh gosh, it was still so hot. I stretched a little bit, started my iPod and off I went. I felt really awkward running down the stairs; one because they were so little so it was hard trying to go fast, and two because I couldn't find a rhythm and there were like three people on the football field and I didn’t want them to see me. When I started running up the stairs, I felt so intense! But it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because the stairs weren't very steep. But by the time I went around once, I had worked out! I decided to make it around three times. That seemed long enough for me and even though it was a lot of stairs, it went by pretty fast.

That third time, I was hurtin. I was sweating so bad! I felt like I had been running forever. I mean the stadium was pretty dern big! I hate the girls that just run around in their sports bras, but even I couldn't take it anymore and I tucked my shirt into my bra, I know it wasn't the "Liberty Way" but there was no one around, those people who had been practicing had left, so I thought it'd be okay.

Towards the end, I pounded on those stairs like it was no one’s business! They didn't stand a chance against me! I had become the stair stadium queen! Yes, maybe it did make me a little crazy, but that's okay! It was worth it. I looked like I had jumped into a pool too, I was sweating so bad! It was definitely an accomplishment, and hopefully I will be able to go longer next time:) Four laps baby! Four laps!

Nehemiah 9:4
On the stairs of the Levites stood Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani; and they cried with a loud voice to the LORD their God.

Friday, June 10, 2011

iPad 2 Radio Contest


If you have listened to the radio at all here in Lynchburg, you would know that K92 has been giving away iPad 2s every day for the past week. And all you have to do is listen for two songs by the same artist being played back to back. Then you have to call in and be the 92nd caller and you win! Easy enough right? Well that's what I thought.

So all day Tuesday it was my goal to win this iPad2. I was convinced I could do it. I was listening to the radio so hard all day long. I was listening for two Katie Perry songs to be played back to back. It was torture. This radio station is a top 40 station. So basically I was listening to the same songs being played over and over again. The same dumb songs that I usually try so hard to avoid in the first place. But I had to win! I was going to win! I had already tested the number out and everything, I was all set.

Hour after hour goes by and nothing. Those songs make me want to strangle myself. Now I was at work, so that's why I was able to listen to the songs all day long, but usually someone changes the station every once in a while. It's usually a fight between Spirit FM and K92, silliness. But today all K92. I was listening until about 4 when I was off of work. So I had to listen to it in the car and on the computer in my house. Then I had to leave again and I was listening in the car. Well 5 o'clock rolls around which is when everyone in the whole world is listening. Especially now that there's a prize on the line. Darn it. I thought I had a change till now. Of course they chose to do it then. It was about 5:10 when the two Katie Perry songs are played back to back. I called and I called. I could not get through! Busy signal after busy signal. I called 40 times. I really wanted to win!

I didn't win. I was disappointed, but what're you gunna do? I don't think I'll try again, listening to that station isn't worth it anymore to me:)

Psalm 17:8
Keep me as the apple of your eye;hide me in the shadow of your wings

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gimme a Mango!

I can't believe my "new" for Monday. I can't believe I've gone my whole life without doing this. It's obsurd.

I went to Walmart to go grocery shopping, for the first time in forever, and I got a lot of fruit! Well among that fruit, I got a mango. I have never in my whole life eaten a real mango. I didn't even know what it looked like, I had to read the sigms. I have had the flavor in a lot of things and I have had them dried, but never the real thing. And I honestly don't know why. I guess if there was anyone to blame, it'd be my parents. They never got mangos, just your normal apples and oranges and bananas. I only knew what they gave me, I didn't know there were a lot more exotic things in the world. So realistically speaking, my parents are all to blame for this misfortune in my life.

I had always wanted to try a mango ever since I saw the movie, Paulie. It's the one with the talking bird and at the beginning he won't talk to the janitor guy, so the guy gets a mango and starts eating it in front of him to get him to talk. He just makes that mango look so good!

So today, I made some changes in my life. I went to Walmart, I saw the mango, and I took it! I did pay for it, but I took it! When I got home, I was more then ready to eat it, but I wasn't sure how to at first. At first I cut a little piece off and took a bite with the skin and all. Well I'm pretty sure Im not supposed to eat the skin. It was gross. So I cut another little piece off and ate the fruit part. It was so good. So so so good. Why have I been deprived of this for so long? So I peeled the rest of it and then I went to cut it in half and the pit in the middle really surprised me, I don't know why if I would've had to guess, I probably would have said there was a pit in the middle, but it just still surprised me. It was my first mago what can I say?

After I peeled it, I sat down, turned on "Friends" and ate my mango. It was the best mango I have ever had. Literally. The only thing I didn't like was how it got stuck in my teeth. I had to work on that thing for a while. But it was all worht it!

Genesis 1:11
And God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bike Weekend

Two exciting "news" this past weekend!

On Saturday, I finally, actually got my bike! It was so exciting. I couldn't get it right away because my dad was going out of town and he was buying it through the business and I was paying him back, so I had to wait. But today it finally came! The couple brought it over to our house, which was nice, but then they had to go back to their house because they forgotten the title. When they got back, my dad went to write him a check, but he didn't have any left. Of course. So they had to go all the way to the business to get some checks.

When my dad finally got back, we got to test it out! He rode it up and down the street and I was really surprised by him! He hadn't ridden in years, but I guess once you learn you never forget! I got on and rode with him for a while and he was showing me a little bit. Then I wanted to try a little something, but he wouldn't let me, he said I wasn't ready yet. Psht! I was born ready!

Well Sunday's new proved that I was in fact not quite ready. I didn't crash or anything but I realized I need to practice.

My friend Chris came over to help me with my bike a little. I wanted help right away, because that class I have to take is so far away and I want to learn now! When he finally got to my house, I was more than ready. He pulled it out for me and started it up. He was telling me a few things they say in the class and then he wanted me to sit on it and practice with the clutch and going into first. It needed to be a nice and smooth transition, and so I would rock back and forth. I did alright, not perfect but not bad. I think I was making him really nervous because he didn't want me to do anything wrong and hurt myself. But I was good:) I pretty much fell over at one point though! I'm not used to the weight of the bike, so when it started leaning, it was hard to get it back up.

After that I was done because I could tell there wasn't much more he could tell me because I just needed to practice. I made him ride me around for a little while, just because it's so fun, I love it so much! (he was nowhere near as good a rider as Jacob Russell Perdew though;) When we got back I got on my bike and just tried my best to get used to the weight. I was sitting on it and leaning it to the sides and pulling it back up. Well let me tell you, that was quite the workout! I think I pulled something in my back, it hurts so bad. It's hard to stretch out your back too.

Anyways, wish me luck and send me prayers on my venture to learn how to ride!

Proverbs 1:5
Let the wise hear and increase in learning,and the one who understands obtain guidance

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Dance

So my "new" Friday was hoppin! Literally.

I went over my friend’s house after work to hang out. It was my friend Julie's house, who I haven't seen in forever! And Megan was there too, my friend who is getting married and I'm in her wedding! I'm excited about that:)

Anyways, when I got there, we played Apples to Apples for a little while, which is always fun, I pretty much won too! Not really, but you weren't there. And then after we played "Just Dance"! I had never played before, but I have always wanted to try! Megan is always a bundle of fun to play these kinda games with.

I was first up! I'm not really used to Wii or anything, but it's really not that hard to figure out. I don't remember the first song I danced to, but I know I won! HAHA! In your face! I beat a pro! That's right. I'm a dancing queen. But I guess it was beginners luck because then I was losing everything. I danced to this weird Russian thing, and then a fat girl song or something.

Then it was time to redeem myself. And I found the song. Eye of the Tiger baby. That's right, I took on the fighting! I did so well! I'm so good at punching the air, it's not even funny. I even filled up the whole tube thing on the TV with my awesome skills.

A couple of the times, I had forgotten to put the little wrist thing on so it just kept flying everywhere and hitting me in the face. But I didn't want to take the time to fix it and lose track of things. I wouldn't label myself as a very competitive person, but when I'm in the heat of things I really am! But who isn't? I mean who really wants to be called a loser. Not this winner here!

But I am so going to look into getting a Wii now! They have the coolest games! I'd be occupied for hours, maybe even days!

So if you would like to contribute to my Wii fund, just contact me immediately. Thank you!

2 Samuel 6:14
And David danced before the LORD with all his might. And David was wearing a linen ephod.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Clean Room and Exhaustion

Well this post is going to be short. I'm sorry but it just has to be. I've never felt so tired in me life! (Yes I did mean to say "me" instead of "my") Work, work, work all day and then work out at night and now I'm writing to the world. Talk about staying busy! Anyways, I am going to cover the past two days of "news", short sweet and to the point!

Yesterday, Wednesday, my "new" I had technically done before, but now I am declaring a vow. My room is usually always a mess. I know what you're thinking, there's no way my room its a mess, I'm too cool for that! Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but yes it is a complete mess usually always. Today that is going to change! I am going to become a neat person! I cleaned my room today and it looks amazing! From this point forward, I am going to become neat and clean! My room is going to stay neat until the day it gets demolished. May all of you who read this be of witness. Thank you.

On to my new for today! So, as I said at the beginning, I am completely without a doubt one of the most tired people in the world right now. What could I do new today even though I was so tired?

It came to me while I was walking Jack Jack. I looked at the road and I immediately thought of the movie The Notebook, and how they just laid in the middle of the road. Ever since watching it, I had been tempted to do it. Well, I finally did. I just laid down in the middle of the road. It wasn't a busy road, just a back one into the neighborhood. It felt good. I could've fallen asleep. The road was so warm and there was a nice breeze, and even though Jack Jack was biting my nose, it was still pure bliss. There were clouds in the sky so I couldn't see the stars, but it was still all so pretty. I was laying there for a good five minutes. No car ever came, so I was glad about that.

The lesson to be learn for these "news" is to always be neat so it will carry over to the other parts of your life, and lay in a road once in a while, and don't forget to sleep:) Not in the road, just in general.

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God,and renew a right spirit within me.