Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gimme a Mango!

I can't believe my "new" for Monday. I can't believe I've gone my whole life without doing this. It's obsurd.

I went to Walmart to go grocery shopping, for the first time in forever, and I got a lot of fruit! Well among that fruit, I got a mango. I have never in my whole life eaten a real mango. I didn't even know what it looked like, I had to read the sigms. I have had the flavor in a lot of things and I have had them dried, but never the real thing. And I honestly don't know why. I guess if there was anyone to blame, it'd be my parents. They never got mangos, just your normal apples and oranges and bananas. I only knew what they gave me, I didn't know there were a lot more exotic things in the world. So realistically speaking, my parents are all to blame for this misfortune in my life.

I had always wanted to try a mango ever since I saw the movie, Paulie. It's the one with the talking bird and at the beginning he won't talk to the janitor guy, so the guy gets a mango and starts eating it in front of him to get him to talk. He just makes that mango look so good!

So today, I made some changes in my life. I went to Walmart, I saw the mango, and I took it! I did pay for it, but I took it! When I got home, I was more then ready to eat it, but I wasn't sure how to at first. At first I cut a little piece off and took a bite with the skin and all. Well I'm pretty sure Im not supposed to eat the skin. It was gross. So I cut another little piece off and ate the fruit part. It was so good. So so so good. Why have I been deprived of this for so long? So I peeled the rest of it and then I went to cut it in half and the pit in the middle really surprised me, I don't know why if I would've had to guess, I probably would have said there was a pit in the middle, but it just still surprised me. It was my first mago what can I say?

After I peeled it, I sat down, turned on "Friends" and ate my mango. It was the best mango I have ever had. Literally. The only thing I didn't like was how it got stuck in my teeth. I had to work on that thing for a while. But it was all worht it!

Genesis 1:11
And God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot Jenny! The parents always get blamed. Please forgive me for all I've done for you and given you except given you a mango.
