Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Blue Stinkin Angels

Well I don't think Lynchburg was prepared for the amount of people coming to see these "Blue Angels." This town is just not big enough.

All week, all I heard was Blue Angels this and Blue Angels that. I got so sick of it. I was not planning on going to see the Blue Angels, mostly out of spite. And because I don't have any money.

Everyone just kept freaking out about them, I didn't get it. Well, today was the first show and I didn't go, but I could see them really well from my house, and I get it now. It was really exciting! I mean even on the way home while I was just driving and minding my own business, they flew right across the horizon in front of me, it was amazing!

I was standing outside looking up for a while, but then I decided to get on the roof! That sounded like a great idea because I wanted to get as close as possible. When I was trying to get out the window, I couldn't get the screen open so I thought and the house is getting demolished anyways so I decided not to think too hard about it and just break the screen open. It worked out pretty good.

When I got out there the roof was freakin hot! But! I was prepared with a towel to sit on. The show was so good! It was so weird just getting so excited about these planes doing tricks, I felt like a little kid. They got so close to me, that I could read what was on the planes! Now all I want to do is meet these Blue Angels! I want to tell them they all did a good job. It's the first they've been back in two years after a couple of them crashed and died. I guess that's another reason why it was such a big deal.

My favorite trick that I saw was how they all were in a circle, nose diving down straight to the ground and then they leveled out in all different directions. They're doing another show tomorrow, but I'm working so I can't go:/ I know it's so sad, at first I didn't care at all, but seeing them today changed everything. Oh well, I'd probably faint when I got there anyways like the 200 other people did today. And that's not an exaggeration. It was on the news. And another thing about our local news, for some really weird reason they decided the best people to interview for the air show story was two little boys and an old fat man that didn't have a shirt on. What the world? Why would think that they are the best candidates for a story like this? Weirdness.

So anyways, my “new” today was getting on my roof and watching the Blue Angels, even though I didn't technically see the real show, it was good. Maybe tomorrow my new will be meeting these nice young Blue Angels, who knows!

Just some of them, not too hard on the eyes;)

Psalm 91:11
For he will command his angels concerning youto guard you in all your ways.

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