Friday, May 13, 2011

That was Quite the Sermon

So, I'm not bashing Thomas Road, don't get me wrong, I like them very much! But that sermon on Sunday was just… something else.

So it was Mother's Day, one of the greatest holidays of the year! (I know I'll think so when I am a mom so I'll just start that thinking process now) I decide to go to church with my mom even though I preferred to go to a different church. But it was Mother’s day. We walk in Thomas Road and they hand us chocolate roses! Well how sweet Thomas Road! Thank you!

We walk in and sit down and they're doing that whole thing where they ask who the oldest mother is, the mother with the most children, and so on. We all sing some songs, which was really nice, the music there is always good. And then the sermon starts.

Jonathan, the senor pastor wasn't there so Dr. Elmer Towns was stepping in for him. (If you don't know who that is, you live under a rock and you need to follow the link.) But Jonathan had still told him what to preach on, "Finding a Job." Oh my word. Really? Finding a job as a sermon topic? On Mother's Day?? What in the world. I just looked at my dad and he gave me the same look back.

I know how to find a job. Last year I had four jobs. Now I have two. Why was he talking about this? I don't know, I guess someone REALLY needed to know how to find a job that day. All I know is I have never heard such a sermon in my whole life. But for what it's worth, he did present it well and he can always crack me up just by standing there.

I ate my chocolate rose the whole time, it was great.

Acts 2:14
[ Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost ] But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: "Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.

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