Monday, May 2, 2011

Puma Shoes

Now I will continue catching up and cover my Saturday's "new."

I have some really awesome shoes. Most of my shoes are, but I have one pair in particular that are pretty awesome. They are green and yellow Puma sneakers. I actually found them at a thrift store (what have I been telling you! Thrift stores are the way to go!) and I have had them for years. They just so happen to match perfectly with my work uniform at Hillcats Baseball stadium. They have almost become my trademark there. I wear them most of the time I work.

I usually get comments on them too, that's probably half the reason I wear them. Well, on Saturday I had an adamant fan of my shoes. It was on the verge of ridiculousness. I have never had anyone obsess over my shoes like that in my whole life.

He started out with an "I really like your shoes," to "Oh my goodness I just love your shoes so much! I need them. All I own pretty much is Puma. I have over twenty pairs of Pumas!"  And his wife was there to vougg for him and his obsession. All I could do was smile and laugh and nod my head and make little comments like; "Really?", "Oh wow", "That's so funny!"

There was something else that made the whole situation even stranger. This guy looked uber familiar. He had a son too which is what made everything click in my head. I used to work at the YMCA lifeguarding (worst job I ever had) and this guy used to come in with his son and play with him! I remember because he was one hott dad. Really! And now he was obsessing over my shoes! What a small world.

I came to the conclusion if I had asked if he wanted to buy them, he would've said yes. But I also came to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't sell them for anything less a grand. They are very unique shoes! You won't find anything else in the world like them:)

Ephesians 6:15
and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

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