Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Week of News

I am going to get back on the ball friends! I promise. I am done with school for the summer! Whoot Whoot! And so in this post I am going to go through the past week and update you on all of my “news.” Are you excited?? Well you certainly should be! Okay, here goes…

Monday, Monday, every week you come and every week everyone just hates you. How does that feel Monday? That’s pretty sad, but I’m sure there are some people out there that love you! Well, maybe just like you…Anyways, so it’s Monday and I decide that it is time to go grocery shopping, and that means a trip to the parents’ houseJ It was a pretty successful trip too; I got a good amount of things for the week, and a couple little snacks. When I left the house I was ready to do my new.

There is a Finks Jewelry store I had been to a long time ago to fix a ring of mine. Next door to the Finks is a place called the Columns. Let’s just say you’ve got to be rich to go in there. Well, since I’m not rich, and nowhere near it, so I shall pretendJ I walk in there and this nice man greets me right away, he is very sweet. The sign said they closed at 5 and it was a little passed, but he said they had a customer there that was going to be a while so I could browse around if I wanted. I did want! Their clothes were so cute! They were expensive too, oh my word. But all I wanted to do was try them all on! And oh my goodness, there was just the cutest purse I have ever seen! It was a small purse that was round and had a hard casing and on it was an old fashioned telephone with the little wire and it was all sequency and everything, it was adorable. There was another one that was like an ocean theme and it had fish on it and an octopus. I want to say they were over two hundred dollars each. I know right? The jewelry they had there was amazing too! It was all huge stuff which is what I loveJ The coats were adorable and everything was just so well made!

I found the exact purse on Ebay!

I went into the other aisle and they had really cute fancy t-shirt type of things and they were over seventy for one. But then I went to the other side of the store and there was this headband I almost got. It was $16, something I could afford! It was really cute too, it was black and had a peacock feather on it. But I put it back down and I would just have to think about it. That man worker was walking around and trying to find stuff for the customer they were helping out. From what I heard, she was going on vacation and needed clothes for the occasion, wow so hard! He had picked up this really fabulous hat that was huge! It had a birds nest on it, it was pretty amazing. I saw her put it on and she liked it but she thought it was a little big and decided against it. It was so fun watching them try and dress this lady. I had such a great time trying to act like I could fit in there. Maybe my next “new” will be to become independently wealthy and be able to actually belong there.


On to Tuesday! Well this “new” was very different and made me a little uncomfortable. If you are a woman, you have most likely experienced something like this. Everyone knows what Mary Kay is. Its good make up that is sold by have little show and tells at people’s houses like a sales person. Well I’ve done this several times. You have a group of girls at your house and then a Mary Kay girl comes in and demonstrates everything and you get to put makeup on and stuff. But at the end you feel like you have to buy something even if you really don’t want anything. It’s kind of annoying. But I was invited to one of these things tonight by my friend Briea, but it was a little different. She was one of these Mary Kay girls and invited me to one of their little meeting things. It was a little weird because I didn’t really know what I was getting into.
After the head lady talked for a little bit we split up and a small group of us went into a little room and Briea was going to be in charge and practice on us. Well there was also this other lady there that was in charge and going to help Briea out and talk a lot. I don’t remember her name, let’s just call her Suzie. Well Suzie didn’t even know who I was, but after we had sat down at the table she was standing behind me and started talking and she was like rubbing my shoulders at the same time, it was really strange, I couldn’t help but furrow my eye brows and the girls across the table were laughing at me because I was just really confused as to why she was rubbing my shoulders. But I’m also not denying the fact that it felt good.

And then Briea started and we cleansed our faces, but only half our face so we could see the difference! So I washed half my face and then put the primer on. Briea was doing a good job but Suzie just kept interrupting her and stuff, I know she was just trying to help but it was just getting on my nerves. And then we put our foundation on and blush. I felt like the whole time all I wanted to do was put on eye makeup but Suzie said we weren’t going to do that tonight. Boo Suzie!

And then the even more uncomfortable part happened. After we finished everything, the Suzie lady was going to demonstrate how to actually sell the stuff to the customers one on one. And I was the victim.
“So Jenny, if money was no object, what would you just love to have?” she started.
“Um I would get the spoiled brat collection,” I said, which meant pretty much everything, the cleansing stuff, the foundation junk and blush and eye stuff.
“Oh, okay, well seriously now is there anything you would like to buy?”
“Um, no.” says I.
“And why not?”
“Because I don’t have any money”
“Well you are a college student I understand that, but can we get you started with the cleansing set and you can start from there and then build yourself up? It’s a $58 value.”
“Um, no I can’t, I don’t have any money,” says I.
“Okay, okay well how would you like to get stuff for free?”
“Yeah give me some free stuff!” I said.
“Now all you have to do to get free stuff is host a party and get people to buy things, is that something you think you want to do? “ she keeps asking.
“Um, see, pretty much all the people that would probably come have already left for the summer and my mom and sisters have already done Mary Kay many times, so I don’t think they would want to do it.”
“But you know if you’re a mom and your daughter is hosting a party you would come and buy things.”
“Yeah but, um I just don’t think so,” I just don’t know how else to say it! And this whole time she is just smiling and nodding her head. She was so dang good, it was so frustrating! She was grilling me so hard. I just didn’t want to get anything! Geez Louis. Then she finally stopped after I said I’d think about it and stuff.

Afterwards Briea was just like “Oh my word I’m sorry she did that to you! I’m never going to be like that with people, too much pressure.” Thank you Briea! It was just so weird. “But doesn’t your face feel good? Well half of it at least?” And I had to admit, it really did! It felt like I had a little face lift on that side or Botox. So if I ever want any Mary Kay ever, I’ll just ask Briea and hopefully never see that Suzie ever again.


Here we go Wednesday! Now I had recently decided to do the most awesome amazing obstacle course thing ever! Its called the Tough Mudder and it’s a ten mile obstacle course of running through mud and jumping off stuff and going through fire and stuff that electrocutes you, it’s going to be amazing. Anyways that’s why I’ve been starting to run again and work out, I’m training for this thing!

Well this morning I decided to spice up my run a little bit, I was going to take Ziggy with me, my brother’s black lab. I’d never run with a dog before and I thought it would be fun! Ziggy should’ve been good to run with too because he has got a lot of energy and he would be able to keep up with me. Well before we ran I had to get him in my car first to get to where we were going. Oh my word that was an adventure in and of itself; his big huge tail could barely fit in my tiny little car. I feel like I almost crashed twice before we finally got there.

So I start to stretch and then I wrap his leash around my hand like fifty time because it’s so long and then we finally start to run. He was confused at first as to what exactly we were doing and I just thought it was probably a mistake right away. He was all over the place and would not run and kept zigzagging all over and was trying to stand still. Finally I stopped running and turned around to yell at him, but then I understood. He had to poop. He had to poop so bad while I was pulling him along to try and get him to go it had already come out of him on the sidewalk. There was a little trail of turds behind us. I started laughing, but he certainly wasn’t. After he was done we started running again, and he knew what to do. But he could only keep up with me for about a half mile, he was so out of shape. So I was basically pulling him for about four miles and he was totally wiped after that! He was so done it was so funny. But I kept encouraging him and I think he enjoyed himself. Even though I was pulling him most of the time, I will probably do it again because he should be in shape at his age, he’s only two. He will be my new projectJ


Oh Thursday! What great day you were to me! My “new” for Thursday was definitely an answer to prayer, I needed it so bad. It all was thanks to Hillcats.

I was working and I had three boxes. My first box got SO much beer and food it wasn’t even funny and I was so happy because a lot of beer means a lot of tip! My next box was a little birthday party for a little boy turning seven, and his dad who was in charge was just about the cutest dentist I have ever seen. I just might have to switch dentists! He was pretty young and he was wearing a bowtie! A BOWTIE! Can you get much cuter then that?! And he was nowhere near on the verge of suicide either! He was a very happy dentist. Anyways they had gotten a buffet which was an automatic $20 in my pocket, plus whatever more he gives to me. My third box was a huge box, but almost the whole night there were only two girls in there waiting for everyone else to get there, but they weren’t coming. But they ordered different platter things when everyone did get there. And then everyone did finally show up and they all ordered food and ice cream helmets for everyone, now that’s a lot of scooping!

So basically the whole night, I did not stop running up and down the stairs, not one break. But I’m okay with that because that means everything goes pretty fast and I’ll probably be making a good tip and boy was I right! My “new” for this day was making my record in tips! I was so excited! I know it’s a little inappropriate to brag about how much I exactly made but I don’t care! I made $165. I was so proud of myself, I was exhausted but it was worth itJ And then I drove to Pennsylvania that night. Oh it was a long day, but thank you God for that money!


And it’s Friday, Friday, but I ain’t gettin down on Friday. I had too much workL  No fun fun fun for me (thanks to Rebecca Black for that little reference;). It’s the last day of my Biology online class and I must say, this wasn’t the easiest class ever. Mostly because I really did not want to do the work for it. If I had done the work and quizzes well, it would have been no problem, but I was just not feelin’ this class at all. But my “new” for this day was something I thought I would never be able to do ever!

As I stated before, I just was not feelin’ this class, so I would never really study for the quizzes ever and just take them. Well, I had never been so close to failing a class in my whole life. It was not looking good for me! I needed to be serious about these last three quizzes. So I actually studied for them which was a new for me, and an even bigger new was that it actually paid off! I got a 100% on my first quiz that I took! I was so proud of myself! And then I got nineties on the other two. I never thought in a million years I would be able to get a 100% on one of those quizzes. So needless to say, I passed the class! Not with flying colors, but I was able to pass which is fine by meJ and no I do not care to share the exact grade I got; thank you very much!


Saturday Saturday, woe is me! I did something bad on Saturday. I am a bridesmaid in my friend Megan’s wedding and she had her bridal shower that day. Well I thought it was at night, but…it wasn’t. It was at 1:30 and I was at work until 3! This was not good. I’m such a bad bridesmaid! I was so mad at myself I couldn’t believe it! So I would just like to make a public apology to Megan, for being such an aweful bridesmaid! I am making a commitment to you right here, right now that I will be there for you and do whatever you need from me until through the day of your wedding! It’s going to be bangin! You are going to be the most beautiful bride!


Sunday! Technically the first day of the week, but everyone pretty much just considers you to be the last. I did two “news” today and they were both amazing!

Well first of all, I went to this church called Blue Ridge this morning, and all I can say is amazing. I went because I heard they were having baptisms there and they were supposed to be really good, so my family and I decide to go. I cannot express to you how much all of those people were just so genuine and on fire for God! You could literally watch their lives changing, and hearing their testimonies; all I wanted to do was cry the whole time. And what made it more special was how the pastor didn’t baptize them, each person had two people with them to baptize them, people that had a huge influence on his or her life. We watching father baptize son, best friend baptize best friend, wife baptize husband; I get filled up just thinking about it. Just to see the life and growth that this church has was just so amazing!

For my second “new” I finally got to see the new Jane Eyre in Roanoke tonight! I went to the Grandin Theatre because it wasn’t showing in the regular theatre. I got to go with my mum and we got popcorn and drinks, we were set! The theatre we were in was a little small, but it wasn’t terrible. The movie was so good! I absolutely loved it! Jane Eyre is just so amazing, if you have not seen it, you are seriously missing out big time! but i have to say, my favorite version is still the one that Master peice theatre did.

If I ever get a bunny, I am naming it Mr. Rotchester, even if it’s a girl.

And there ends my wonderful week of News! Thank you for reading, and goodnight and God bless!

Genesis 2:2
And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.

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