Monday, April 4, 2011

Jack Jack

I know, I know. I haven't been writing over the weekend. But trust me; I had a LOT going on. My hands were full and the last thing I thought about was my blog. I'm sorry, some things just happen sometimes and I needed a little break, but I'll fill you in on the little "New"s that I did this past weekend.

On Saturday I didn't do anything new. I don't want to lie to you or make anything up. But it was new for me not to do anything new! Shouldn't that count? Well since I'm in charge of this whole thing and I make the rules, I think it should count. So my new for Saturday was not doing anything new. And there you go.

On Sunday, I did do an actual new thing. I was so exhausted from everything that was going on and I teach a kindergarten class on Sunday nights and I was really not up for it at all. I decided that I did not want to work very hard so I brought Jack Jack, my puppy along with me. Then the kids could all play with him for a long time and I wouldn't have to do so much.

Well of course the craziest boy I have in my class is the one kid that's afraid of dogs. How annoying. And his mom was annoying too, I think because she didn't like dogs and that was basically the reason he didn't like them.
She was like, "Um, is he going to be in here the whole time? Because Landon doesn't like dogs."
I just told her not to worry and it was going to be okay. And it really was, he was fine the whole time, he even held his leash for a while.

We went outside and played Duck, Duck, Goose for a while and then we did our story, and played with Jack Jack and then went inside and did snack and craft. While Jack was distracting so they really didn't pay me a whole lot of attention, it was a fun change of pace for the kids. And Jack had a lot of fun too! He fell right asleep when we got in the car.

So if you ever aren't feeling good and you need something to distract people from the fact, just drag a puppy along with you wherever you go. Works like a charm:)

Isaiah 40:30
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall

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