Friday, April 1, 2011


Long day. Too long. I was glad when my New for the day finally came around.

I've been to Phantom of the Opera on Broadway in New York, and it was AMAZING! Well, tonight I got to experience how a high school performed the play.

E.C. Glass always does a great job with plays, mainly because they always have the money and the great auditorium. All the old people of Lynchburg love to help support them and always give them a butt load of money. They also have the advantage of having the Virginia School of the Arts there too, which means dancers.

Now if you didn't know, I went to the rival high school, Heritage. It's just better over there in number one big orange country. Students are all middle class and can all relate to each other. At Glass, you're either super rich or super poor. They have issues.

When it came to theatre at Glass, it was all about competition. They are all hard core! At Heritage, we were always just one big happy family, and we had killer plays as well!

Well anyways, we arrive early to get good seats because their shows always sold out so we knew there would be a lot of people there. We got there at 6:40 and the doors didn't open until 7, so we just stood there waiting in this huge crowd. Oh, by the way, it was me, my mom, my sister Emily and Audrey who went.

When they opened the doors it was a mad rush to get good seats! Emily was in one place and I was in another. We both found seats but mine were better:) It finally started after it felt like an eternity, even though I was in good company.

It was beautiful. The sets were beautiful and their voices were beautiful. Everything ran so smoothly and all of their special effects were great. My favorite effect was when the Phantom has Christine in the boat and he's rowing her, and there was mist that looked like water and they were in this boat that was just flowing across the stage and candle things popped up everywhere! It was just like Broadway.

At one point in the play, during the Masquerade song, my mom whispered in my ear,
"The costumes are all so beautiful!"
"The costumes are so hideous."

Each one of their voices was amazing, I loved Christine's voice and the Phantom's voice was so good too! The main cast had split roles as well so I hope I got the good people! They only thing I would've changed was their acting could have been better. It wasn't bad, it was actually very good, but it wasn't great and I felt like they could've done great.

Anyways, I give this play two thumbs up! We already have our tickets to see Liberty perform it as well so we'll see who does the better job and I'll have seen the Phantom on Broadway and college and high school. What an accomplishment!

Psalm 39:6
“Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom; in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be.
I wanted to die, it was too funny!
 And I nodded at her. And then a second later Audrey whispers in my other ear,

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