Monday, April 18, 2011

Moon Pie

Oh children! I think the reason I love kids the most is because I can tell them anything and they'll believe me! I love that power. It must be really nice to be Obama:) Haha just joshing.

So Sunday, my "new" was very entertaining. I teach a kindergarten class on Sunday nights and I had a lot of kids come, more than usual. It was Palm Sunday, so they had colored leaves and I had bought some plastic ones we could play with (which I cut myself with pretty bad on my finger). We went outside because it was so lovely out, and we danced around with our leaves and praised Jesus! It was really very fun.

When we went inside, it was time for our snack! I went into the kitchen and for some reason, I thought Moon Pies would be a good idea. I really forgot how messy they are. But I thought it would be a nice treat for them. It took me a while to get back to the classroom, so I decided to tell them the true story as to where moon pies come from, the moon!
"Why else would they be called moon pies? Hhmm? Anyone? And why do you think astronauts go up there all the time? For fun? No! That would be silly! Now I'm not going to lie to you, the whole moon isn't made up of these pies. Now what you see at night time is the cheese part of the moon. It covers the whole entire surface. The pies are in the middle of the moon, and there drill that is used to get to them."
"And it sucks them out, right?" Landon says.
"Exactly!" says I. "You see? There's a smart guy over there!" And I point to Landon.
They all got really excited about it. I don't think all of them believed me, but I'm pretty sure I got about half of them. When Landon left I heard him start explaining about the moon pies to his mom. That kid is going places! And if he decides to become an astronaut, I am taking full credit.

Psalm 72:7
In his days may the righteous flourish,and peace abound, till the moon be no more!

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